Marie Mêle-Tout mums group

Marie Mêle-Tout Comptine
Do you and your mums group (min 4 mums) wish

 your toddler could learn another language, read and sing in french?
Bring your baby/toddler, pic nic mat and enjoy singing french songs with your little one. 20 min of French story time (Petit Ours Brun) or basic conversation + 20 min of singing.
Where: Parks (Often at the Botanical Garden). If you wish to meet somewhere else (home,...), please do not hesitate to ask Marie.
When: Flexible. Day and time varies according to kids age and their sleep pattern and mums work/life balance. Min 3 consecutive weeks
Bookings essential.

For more information please contact Marie Mêle-Tout : or 0413 0751 50

Click on the links below and enjoy!